
We develop a new generation of analytical instruments and methods for cell and membrane analysis using microsystems technology.

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Introduction to the Bioanalytics Lab

Microfluidics (Lab-on-chip Technology) for the Life Sciences

Microfluidics provides a huge toolbox for (bio)analytical and biological methods. Microfluidic platforms facilitate precise handling and positioning of cells, creating of chemically defined liquid environments, and tailoring mechanical or physical conditions. We develop miniaturized devices for analysis of cells and membranes, and for the creation of nanomaterials. In our interdisciplinary approach chemical, physical, biological and engineering aspects of microfluidic-based technology are combined.

Downscaling of Analytical Devices


For a short introduction into the concept of lab-on-chip technology including the most important benefits, follow the link.

Single-cell analysis

Single-cell in trap

We analyze the response of single cells to chemical and mechanical stimuli by employing various methods for cell trapping, isolation and detection. More information.


Single-cells in trap

Extending our microanalytical assays to the point of care with portable assay readouts on mass-​producible microfluidic chips. Read more.


Microarray & Droplet Screening Platforms

droplets on a plate

Leveraging the power of Microfluidics for high-throughput screening platforms. Read more.

Membrane and Artificial Cells


We use vesicles to reveal fundamental properties of lipid membranes. In addition, vesicles serve as the key building element for the creation of artificial cells. Examples are here.



In vitro vessel-​on-chip platform to recipitulate biological complexity in a model system. Further reading.

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