Review published in Analytical Chemistry

A critical review entitled Recent Advances in the Analysis of Single Cells was published by Lucas Armbrecht and Petra S. Dittrich in Analytical Chemistry.
PhD defense of Yanlong Xing

We proudly announce the succesful PhD defense of Yanlong Xing.
Talk at µTAS 2016
Lucas Armbrecht presented his work at the µTAS 2016 in Dublin.
Workshop @ µTAS 2016
Petra and Felix hosted the "On-Chip Cell Culture and Analysis" workshop at µTAS 2016 in Dublin
Petra Dittrich joins the Editorial board of Lab on a Chip

Petra has joined the Editorial board of Lab on a Chip (Royal Society of Chemistry) as Associate Editor
New group member
Ariane Stucki joins the Bioanalytics group
New group member

André Kling joins the Bioanalytics group
New article published on q&more

A critical review entitled Analysis in picolitre volumes: Miniaturization of routine lab work with lab-on-a-chip systems was published by Petra, Lucas and Felix on "q&more".
New group member

Dr. Chao-Chen Lin joins the Bioanalytics group
Sledging trip to Elm, 2016

On friday, 11th of March 2016, the Bioanalytics group went sledging to Elm at beautiful sunshine.